Year 2
Spring Class Letter
Welcome back. Please read our Autumn Term class letter.
Welcome to Year 2
Healthy Smoothies
DT - Making healthy wraps
DT - Testing food combinations
DT - Building Ferris Wheels
Art - Outdoor Pencil Rubbings
Great Fire of London Workshop
Art - Printing using plasticine
Sharing equally in Maths
Making arrays in Maths
Testing Absorbency in Science
Great Fire of London Artefacts
Christmas Crackers 🎄🎉
Playing chimes in Music
Local area using aerial photographs
Our counting walk in Roundwood Park
Recognising coins and making amounts
Designing houses in DT
Black History Month Workshop with Alim Kamara
Autumn Displays
Hello and welcome to Year 2's class page,
Welcome to a new school year! It is wonderful to have your children back and we are looking forward to a very rewarding year. We are very lucky to have Ms Toms supporting Year 2 this year.
In order to ensure that all children are able to make the most of their right to learn, we will follow the School’s Behaviour for Learning Policy. T
he School Rules, the Five Bs, are; Be Kind, Be Honest, Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be the best you can!
I would like to take this opportunity to highlight the importance of children spending time reading at home; not only do good readers make better writers, but it is an essential life-skill for children.
In Year 2, children are expected to read for at least 10 minutes every night and a parent / carer should log this in their Reading Record.
Home Readers will be sent home on a Monday and should be brought back to school daily. Children should bring their book bags to school every day with their phonics book, reading record and reading book.
As well as daily reading, children will be assigned maths home learning online every Thursday, to be completed by the following Tuesday.
Children will also be given spellings to practise in preparation for a test the following week.
All maths home learning will be assigned on MyMaths. Other useful links and resources will be uploaded onto Showbie. The code for our new class account is Z6UN7
Children will have P.E. every Friday. Please ensure your child comes to school in their PE kit on that day.
Miss McCann