Year 2
Welcome to Year 2
History and Geography: This term, Year 2 has learned about the Windrush Generation and its impact on Britain. They are also beginning to explore the British Monarchy and significant figures in history.
English and Maths: Year 2 has worked on writing sustained pieces, focusing on past tense verbs, nouns, adjectives, conjunctions, and sentence types. In Maths, they've been adding and subtracting two 2-digit numbers, using Dienes blocks to help their understanding.
Science: Year 2 has been learning scientific vocabulary through a game called Tell Me More, helping them use new terms in both writing and speaking. They've explored outdoors to discover living things in their microhabitats and learned about balanced diets and healthy eating.
Reading: This term in Year 2, we built reading fluency and enjoyment through visits to Willesden Library, starting the Accelerated Reader program, daily phonics lessons, and weekly library check-ins to explore new books.
Welcome to Year 2!
We have an exciting year ahead, full of learning, growth, and fun. I’m looking forward to supporting your child as they develop new skills, build confidence, and explore a wide range of subjects.
Reading at Home
In Year 2, reading is a key focus, and I encourage all children to read for at least 10 minutes each night. Please log this in their Reading Record. They will bring home three books each week: a phonics book, a library book, and an Accelerated Reader book. Please ensure library books are returned on every Thursday so they can choose a new one.
Homework will be given every Friday and should be completed and returned by the following Friday. The homework will often include a mixture of revision tasks from past lessons and activities that build on what we've learned that week. It is important that children complete their homework to reinforce their learning and build their skills.
Maths Home Learning
Every Monday, a new maths assignment will be set on MyMaths, to be completed by the following Monday.
Children have PE every Friday, so please make sure your child comes to school dressed in their PE kit.
I'm looking forward to a great year ahead and working with you to support your child’s learning and development. Let’s work together to ensure your child has a happy and successful Year 2!
Miss McDermott