20th March 2020
Dear parents and carers,
Home learning packs for Nursery pupils are ready to pick up from school between 9 am and 3.30 pm if your child did not already receive one in class last Thursday.
These include:
A copy of the next steps sheet given to you at your parent meeting
Lists of websites, songs and stories
Guidance for developing your child’s speech
Number flashcards to jump on and name
Numeral writing practise sheets
2D and 3D shape cards to learn the names of the shapes
Large letter flashcards to jump on and sound out
Name writing practise sheets
Shop names/ words to learn
Cutting practice sheets
Colouring sheets
Drawing to writing letters development sheet
Play dough recipe
Remember to check the Nursery page every week as I will upload links to support your child’s development and learning.
Take care
Love Miss Smith