Computing Curriculum
At Donnington Primary School, we recognise that technology is an integral part to society today and therefore want our pupils to feel confident, responsible and safe when using technology. Our broad and balanced curriculum covering computer science, information technology and digital literacy ensures that our pupils are educated to participate effectively and safely in this digital world. We recognize the rapidly progressing face of technology and computing and therefore aim to embed transferrable knowledge and computational thinking as a basis from which our curriculum has been developed.
At Donnington Primary School, staff follow a long term plan which has been devised with multi – faced progression at its core. The plan ensures: a wide range of hardware and software; within year progression and across year group progression. Within this, there is chance to embed skills in explicit computing sessions as well as being championed across all other subject areas. The skills taught are age-appropriate yet challenging and exciting. With this clear and precise plan, teachers know the pupils previous learning opportunities and can embed, build on and move learning on effectively.
The children have access to a wide range of hardware: laptops, iPads, camera and programmable equipment which is not only available in explicit computing lessons, but available for use across all areas of the curriculum. Pupils collect a portfolio of work using the school server enabling the children to become responsible users of technology and their networks.
Digital literacy is an area which is plagued with many issues for today’s children: online bullying, self-image and identity, copyright and ownership, privacy and security. Because of this, not only is it covered explicitly in computing for each year group, it is also covered in PSHE sessions and is embedded within every lesson that involves technology.
The impact of our computing curriculum can be seen in the way in which children engage creatively with technology. Pupils individual progress is measured through outcomes and the record of coverage in the process of achieving these outcomes.
We understand the fast-changing face of technology means there is a constant need for review of the curriculum and its resources. This is managed through half termly ‘check in’ with staff and a look at work produced by each year group.
In a world that is so technology rich, it is important to share and model our understanding of balance in the hope that our children will become fluent, yet confidently composed technology users.
Online Safety
Teaching online safety is a high priority across the school. Lessons include regular teaching of online safety to ensure that children feel confident when using computers and the internet. Children are taught how to protect their online identity and what to do if they come across something inappropriate or that makes them feel uncomfortable. The school also participates in the annual National Safer Internet Day.