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Spring Term 2024 Class Letter

Dear Parents/Carers,

We’ve had a great start to the new academic year and I’m pleased to say that all the children have settled well to the routines of the day-It has been wonderful getting to know them!

We have a busy and exciting term ahead. Our topic this term is ‘Me and My Community’. Please see the school website for more information about coverage for this term.

The children are also very lucky to have a variety of fruits provided on a daily basis. Please ensure your child brings a labelled water bottle daily.


Please label all items of clothing.

P.E. is every Tuesday. Please send your child to school in their P.E. kit on that day.

Please create an account on Showbie. The class code is JBG7Z.

Children should bring a Donnington school bag to school every day. Unfortunately, we do not have space to store large rucksacks in the classroom.


Please do speak with a member of staff if you have any questions or concerns. Mornings are usually very busy, but staff are always available at the end of the day.

Best wishes,


Miss Haynes and the Reception Team

Learning about healthy lifestyle - Let’s make delicious fruit salad.

'Walz of the Flowers' by Tchaykovsky in Reception

Acting out Rumble in the Jungle

Our learning with 'The Rainbow Fish' story by Marcus Phister

Look at our tadpoles transforming to froglets!

Reception - You can count on me

A special dedication from Year Reception to all Donnington Children, Staff, Parents, Families and Friends. We can always count on each other!

Goldilocks and The 3 Bears

World Book Day in Reception

1st March Time table

Chinese New Year in the Early Years Bubble

Learning team work with parachute games

'Owl Babies' - Ms Frenkler - Reception

Chinese New Year Story - Ms Frenkler - Reception

Timetable 22.02.21

Peace at Last - Reception - Ms Frenkler

The Rainbow Fish - Ms Frenkler - Reception

01.02.21 Timetable

Timetable 25th January

Welcome to Showbie

Welcome to Reception

Dear Reception Children and Families,


Welcome to 2020-21 blended learning in Reception!


I am so proud to see that everybody in our class is settling really well in the new school environment, especially after such a long time without school, including being in lockdown and not being  able to have home visits prior starting school.


You are all truly amazing!


As part of Early Years Foundation Stage we are going to continue developing skills in the seven areas of learning within the EYFS curriculum;


*Personal Social and Emotional Development

*Physical Development

*Communication and Language



*Expressive Art and Design

*Understanding of the World


Please have a look at the Reception Handbook Power Point attached. It explains the EYFS Curriculum in more details.


As part of blended learning our children will be offered different options of independent learning through play both inside our classroom and outdoors, as well as online.


Please make sure that you check your child’s individual ‘Special Book’ where you will find some home learning suggestion ‘on paper’, as well as ‘on line’. Use the username and password provided to enter Oxford Owl Readers as well as Showbie.


This term’s theme is: ‘Celebrations and Festivals.’


I am looking forward to another term of fun learning in Reception!


Best wishes,

Ewa Frenkler- YR Teacher

Reception Handbook Power Point
