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Donnington Primary School

Donnington: Forward together for future success

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Monday 23rd March 2020

Hello Year 3, I hope you are well and looking after yourselves.

Welcome to our class page.  Here are some links to help you with your learning for the next couple of days. Please make sure you visit the page on Wednesday to find out about Showbie and to see what work you have been set. Showbie is where I will be setting online tasks for you to complete and you can hand them back to me to mark. There will also be lots of other fun activities to keep you busy. 


To join the year 3 class on showbie please use this class code: 26L48

Remember to read every day and to practise your times tables.  I think it would be a really good idea if you started to keep a diary too – we are going through a very interesting time and in the future people would learn lots about history by reading about your lives! You could draw pictures and write sentences about what you do each day and keep them together to make a book!

Take care and be kind,

Miss Bunting



If you would like to contact your child’s teacher about their learning please email


Staff will check emails during the school day (8:45-3:30) and will respond when it is possible for them to do so.
If staff themselves are unwell or looking after their own children, they may not be in a position to respond.


Despite school being closed, we are still committed to doing all we can to support you.
If you have any personal challenges or concerns about your child’s safety or well-being, please contact (emails will be checked within school normal working hours).
