Year 6
Welcome to Year 6
In year 6, we have been working hard on our reading and writing. Using our class books - Kensuke’s Kingdom and Northern Lights to inspire the children to create their own newspaper reports, diary entries and suspense extracts. We have also used these books as inspiration for artwork.
In science, we have examined the cardiovascular system and children were able to set up an experiment which mimicked the cardio muscle pumping oxygenated blood out of the heart.
We have been on several trips this term: Natural History Museum to link with our understanding of eco-systems, the natural world and the impact of climate change. We had a Year 6 class assembly in Autumn 1 and the children were able to demonstrate the learning that had taken place. We visited the London College of Communication and looked at printing and art being used to communicate, this linked with one of our art topics relating to street art.
In PSHE, we have been discussing what makes healthy friendships and relationships.
During October, we celebrated Black History Month and the children researched and created posters about Black Victorians. We also created art that reflected both BHM and our geography topic with abstract art. Are they hands or trees?
In Maths, we have covered place value, the four operations including long multiplication and division, BIDMAS and fractions.
Hello and welcome to Year 6’s class page,
As we have a busy year ahead, we must stress the importance of good attendance and punctuality; missing lessons makes it very difficult for children to build on their learning. Should your child be absent, please inform the school on the first day of absence; then send a note for the register on the first day back.
In order to ensure that all children are able to make the most of their right to learn, we will follow the School’s Behaviour for Learning Policy and the school rules – the 5 Bes: Be Kind, Be Honest, Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be the best you can!
Reading – We would like to take this opportunity to highlight the importance of children spending time reading at home; not only do good readers make better writers, but it is an essential life-skill for children. Children in Y6 should read for at least 30 minutes every evening.
Our PE lesson is on a Monday and Wednesday. Children should wear their PE kits to school. Kits (white t-shirt, dark shorts / tracksuit pants and plimsolls/trainers – everything MUST be labelled).
Homework is set on Showbie and MyMaths on a weekly basis. This will help to reinforce the learning in class.