Year 6
Spring Class Letter
Welcome back. Please read our Autumn Term class letter.
DT in Year 6
Autumn Displays
Hello and welcome to Year 6’s class page,
Welcome to a new school year! We hope you have had a wonderful summer break and We are looking forward to an exciting and rewarding term of learning with the children. As we have a busy year ahead, we must stress the importance of good attendance and punctuality; missing lessons makes it very difficult for children to build on their learning. Should your child be absent, please inform the school on the first day of absence; then send a note for the register on the first day back. We are fortunate to have Ms. Anifa supporting Year 6.
In order to ensure that all children are able to make the most of their right to learn, we will follow the School’s Behaviour for Learning Policy and the school rules – the 5 Bes: Be Kind, Be Honest, Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be the best you can!
Reading – We would like to take this opportunity to highlight the importance of children spending time reading at home; not only do good readers make better writers, but it is an essential life-skill for children. Children in Y6 should read for at least 30 minutes every evening.
Children will be expected to borrow a reading book from school and we are asking all children to bring them in their book bags every day. Reading records will be sent home for children to record what they are reading. These need to be signed by an adult and returned to school every Tuesday.
As well as reading, children will be given spellings to learn weekly and will have a spelling test every Tuesday. English and Maths home learning will be sent home on Thursdays and should be handed in by the following Tuesday. Home learning will be set online using Showbie and MyMaths. It is extremely important that your child completes their homework weekly. Please inform me if your child is unable to access the homework.
Our PE lesson is on a Monday. Children should wear their PE kits to school. Kits (white t-shirt, dark shorts / tracksuit pants and plimsolls/trainers – everything MUST be labelled).
Mrs. Mensah