Year 4
Welcome to Year 4
English (Writing): Year 4 has worked on various pieces focusing on expanded noun phrases, conjunctions and adverbs to express time, place and manner, prepositions, and possessive apostrophes. Pieces of writing include character and setting descriptions, diary entries and newspaper reports.
English (Reading): Year 4 has been focusing on various reading skills to improve their comprehension and fluency. They have also been reading for pleasure by exploring new books during their weekly library check-ins and Accelerated Reader books.
History and Geography: Year 4 has been learning about the Mediterranean and the River Rhine in geography. In history, they’ve been learning about the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire.
In Maths, year 4 have been learning about numbers such as place value, rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100, and thousands, adding and subtracting up to two 4-digit numbers, and multiplying and dividing numbers up to the 12 times tables.
Science: Year 4 has been learning about States of Matter, and they have also learned various scientific skills through experiments and observations.
Dear Parents and Guardians,
This term, our Year 4 class is buzzing with engaging learning opportunities that inspire curiosity and challenge students to achieve their best. We are excited to see our students embody our school values every day:
• Being Kind: Showing compassion and support to one another.
• Being Honest: Taking responsibility and being truthful in our actions.
• Being Respectful: Valuing each other’s differences and working together.
• Being Responsible: Owning our choices and striving for growth.
• Being the Best You Can Be: Persevering and giving our personal best in all we do.
Weekly Reminders:
• Homework: Homework is an important part of consolidating classroom learning. Please ensure it is completed and submitted by Thursday each week.
• Reading: Reading for pleasure is strongly encouraged. Students should read daily and have their reading record signed to track progress.
• Swimming: Tuesday is our swimming day, so please ensure students bring their swimming kit.
• PE: PE lessons take place every Wednesday, and students need their full PE kit to participate.
• Times Tables Practice: Mastering times tables is vital for success in mathematics. Please support your child in practicing at home regularly.
- Library day: Our Library Day is on Wednesday please ensure that children bring their library book back; this will ensure that they have read wide varieties of books throughout their school year.
Thank you for your continued support in fostering a positive and productive learning environment for our Year 4 students. If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to reach out.
Warm regards,
Ms Rafiq & Ms Toms