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Year 5

Welcome to Year 5

In Year 5, we read the Matchbox Diary (by Paul Fleischman) and wrote diary entries based on the book. We also took inspiration from Beowulf to write our own mythical stories.

In this lesson, we were looking at the changes that occur to girls and boys during puberty. We used data collected for sprurt growth during puberty to draw a bar chart.

Samples of our matchboxes

In art, we have been looking at space. We used lines and shapes to create a pattern. Then we shaded the sketch using colour pencils. A combination of charcoal and pastel were used to create the second piece.

In Science, we have been learning about animals, including humans.

Hello and welcome to the Year 5 class page featuring our blended learning. 


If you are working from home, this is where you will find links to all the activities that you need to complete daily on Showbie. It will be updated weekly with new activities.


Give it your best shot and complete your work with whatever resources you have available.


Mrs Mensah
