Monday 27th April 2020
Hello Year 3,
I have loved all the work I have been able to see this week from all of you. I can see you are putting a lot of effort into it so I wanted to say I am super proud of you all.
It is also great to see a lot more of you logging in this week and attempting your online learning.
As I said last week we are always looking for more interactive and engaging ways to support your online learning so starting this week we will be doing something a little different. As a school we will be using the learning resources from National Oak Academy. Each day they upload 3 new lessons across the subjects of English, Maths, Science, History and more. We wanted you to still have the opportunity to learn new skills and be taught in a lesson structure. All of the lessons on National Oak Academy are taught by real teachers across the nation that want to support your learning in the best way possible but do not worry I will still be looking at your work and giving you feedback via Showbie.
I have created a schedule for this week for you to follow.
All you have to do is click on the links provided on each day and follow the instructions given by your teacher. Please make sure you follow the instructions in order because they are sequenced lessons. If you do not do them in order they will not make much sense. We will still be using Showbie so once you have completed the learning phase of your lesson you can complete the activity sheets I have created on Showbie. Each sheet matches the activity given on that day. They will be easy to find and clearly labelled in the folders on Showbie. You may also decide to complete the work by writing in your books so all you will need to do is take a picture of your work and upload it to Showbie for me to see.
I will still have other activities on Showbie that you may wish to complete which I will upload for you each week for you to complete at your leisure. I will still be monitoring your learning so please try to complete as many of the scheduled lessons as possible by the end of the week.
If I would like you to complete something individually for you I will upload this to Showbie and let you know.
If you have not registered for Showbie yet please follow the simple steps below to get started:
If you forget your password contact your class teacher by emailing
Please remember to keep reading every day and to practice your times tables. I think it would be a really good idea if you started to keep a diary too – we are going through a very interesting time and in the future people would learn lots about history by reading about your lives! You could draw pictures and write sentences about what you do each day and keep them together to make a book!
I miss all of you very much and am looking forward to when I get to see you all again!
Take care and be kind,
Miss Bunting
For useful revision or just some independent fun I have attached some links below:
Super Sentence Stackers
May I just say that I strongly recommend the Sentence Stacking videos with Jane Considine. She clearly breaks down how to structure a sentence and models the writing the same way I would with the class in person. I truly believe these videos will support your child’s writing during this time. Everyday she introduces a new video to engage the children. She even takes the writing sent in on her channel and creates a nationwide story! Please check it out! I have attached the video which explains how it works. The rest of the videos are on her Youtube channel which are released daily and easy to find.
PE With Joe Wicks
I have been completing a daily work out and I hope you all have been keeping active as well! PE with Joe Wicks is a fun way to wake up in the morning and keep fit! The whole family can join in! He premieres a new workout daily at 9am. I have attached the link below.