Monday 27th April 2020
Hi lovely Reception children,
A huge thank you and congratulations to those of you who have been busy with the activities I have set for you – you are all DONNINGTON SUPERSTARS!
It has been such a joy looking at your amazing pictures and reading all the lovely messages written in your Home Diaries.
This week I would like you to meet four lovely teachers from Oak National Academy online:
Ms Bethan Hughes, who loves running and reading.
Ms Jane Garrard, who has a little puppy called Milo.
Ms Zara Simpson, who likes playing board games.
Ms Bella Sidenius, whose passion is to get creative with things found in nature.
Each of them has prepared interesting sessions that I am going to share with you.
Time to announce our story of the week: ‘The Three Little Pigs’.
Ms Hughes and her Teddy Bear called Toffy are going to read it for you and help you write about it. Please go to:
Don’t forget to exercise every day. Use all the links about it from my previous messages, please. Is it a pinkie promise? Great! I can’t wait for us to run our Daily Mile with a Smile together again!!!
Why don’t you try Reem’s experiment with an egg: Place a raw egg in white vinegar for 2 days. Take it out and peel the shell off. Check how bouncy it is then! Have fun!
Have you got any interesting experiments to share with us? Let me know and I will post it here next week!
Keep sending me the photos of your great learning to:
I can’t wait to see what you are up to every week!
Let’s be kind and stay safe,
Love from
Mrs Frenkler