December Update
10th December 2021
Dear Parents/Carers,
I hope that you and your families continue to remain safe and well.
I am sure that you will now be aware of the Government’s move to Plan B of the COVID-19 response.
At present, there are a few measures which will be implemented at Donnington from Monday 13th December as per guidance issued yesterday.
- If you wish to come onto the school site then please wear a facemask
- If any children or adults develop COVID-19 symptoms, however mild, we will send them home and request that parents and carers follow public health advice for their children
- Children who are sent home due to them displaying symptoms of COVID-19 will not be expected back in school until parents and carers can demonstrate that they have followed public health advice which may include a period of self-isolation or taking a confirmatory PCR test
- Parents travelling abroad should make sure that they fully understand the rules about quarantine and self-isolation upon return.
Next Steps
We will also be asking you as parents and carers to support us by being extra careful and keeping to the following guidance;
- Only one parent should drop off and pick up children - please wear face masks/coverings when doing so
- Please do not stand in large groups but keep to social distancing guidance
- Please wear a face mask if you need to visit the school office
A full copy of this letter can be found under the Newsletter tab.