End of Term
End of Term News
19th July 2021
Donnington: Forward together for future success
Dear Parents and Carers,
We have reached the end of a very challenging year. Some things have remained the same whilst others have changed. School has been disrupted in lots of ways but our children have made us proud in the way that they have adapted and made progress in their learning. We of course intend to build on this when we return to school in September.
I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for your continuing support in making Donnington a special place for children and staff and wish you an enjoyable summer holiday.
Ms Harrison
If you would like to discuss your child’s end of year report with their class teacher please email your request to admin@donnington.brent.sch.uk
and the class teacher will contact you to arrange a convenient date and time.
Activity Clubs
We have arranged for Young Sporters & Leisure Ltd. to run three clubs from September. There will be multi-sports for KS1 children and basketball and football for KS2. All administration including pricing will be set by Young Sporters. Mr Ali will be sending out a separate letter giving further details.
COVID-19 Risk Assessment and September opening
Although the Prime Minister intends to relax the lockdown rules from this week we will continue with our current COVID-19 Risk Assessment which can be found on the school website. Therefore;
- Staggered start and end times remain until the end of term
- Children will remain in bubbles until the end of term
- Parent access to the school site remains restricted until the end of term
- Self-isolation rules still apply for school age children and will come to an end on 16th August 2021.
On Thursday 2nd September 2021 we return to pre-pandemic start and finish times as follows;
Year Group |
Class Teacher |
Start Time |
Finish Time |
Gate |
1 |
Mrs Frenkler |
8:45 am |
3:20 pm |
Harlesden Road |
2 |
Miss McCann |
8:45 am |
3:20 pm |
Harlesden Road |
3 |
Ms Thompson |
8:45 am |
3:30 pm |
Harlesden Road |
4 |
Mr Ali |
8:45 am |
3:30 pm |
Donnington Road |
5 |
Mrs Mensah |
8:45 am |
3:30 pm |
Donnington Road |
6 |
Ms Van Pelt |
8:45 am |
3:30 pm |
Donnington Road |
End of Term Arrangements
From Monday 19th July - Friday 23rd July ,Year 5 and Year 3 will be dismissed via the Harlesden Road gate.
School finishes at 2pm on Friday 23rd July. Please collect your children on time. Thank you.
Support for Families and Holiday Activities
Sports Day
Sports Day will now take place on Wednesday 21st July at Willesden Sports Centre. Unfortunately, due to COVI-19 restrictions parents will not be able to attend.
Attendance and Punctuality Please ensure that you follow all government guidance regarding quarantine and self-isolation if you intend to take a holiday abroad during the summer.
We expect all pupils back in school on Thursday 2nd September. up school will liaise with the Educational Welfare Officer as necessary. |
Key Dates for your diary
Y1 – Y6 return to school: Thursday 2nd September 2021 at 8:45 am
Nursery and Reception return to school from Monday 6th September 2021
Half Term Holiday: Monday 25th October to Friday 29th October 2021
INSET Day: Tuesday 5th October 2021
End of Autumn Term: Friday 17th December 2021 at 1:30 pm
School returns on Tuesday 4th January 2022 at 8:45 am
Summer Reading Challenge 2021 This year's summer reading challenge is called Wild World Heroes and will focus on how to take care of the environment.
To join the challenge, visit your local library where you will be given a folder to record your reading over the summer. Once you have read six books and shown a member of staff from the library, you will receive a medal and certificate.
There will be lots of online events, from 3rd August - 25th August, including Zoolab, cartoon drawing, poetry, story-telling and STEM workshops.
All the events are free but they must be booked. The details on how to join have been sent home by ParentMail and shared on Showbie.
Happy reading!